Wednesday, September 2, 2015

how to flash the tablet android china

Why do I write a little review tutorial how to install Android on Tablet china, before I wrote this tutor a lot into its core e-mail me asking for help how to flash the tablet android china

because most of those who ask no complaints sound the same after flashing his touchsreen had no puncture

There is also an experienced boot loop, did not want to start any Android logo appears only

In this tutorial I have tried to install the Universal Uberoid Uberoid ROM WM8650 by HCH Here are step by step tutorial on how Uberoid wm8650 flashing via, this way I do and 100% successful touchscreen Soud and had normal lumbar:

1. Download Universal Uberoid WM8650 by HCH to your pc

2. Extract the zip file to a directory on your computer using winrar or other archive software.

3. Connect the sd card into your pc

4. look carefully at what drives the location of what is on your SD F what where.

5. open the downloaded file was already extracted.

6. when it is in the polder double click ''changer.bat'' will display the picture as below
7. Type the command'' SDFORMAT "will display some drives select the drive where your SD is waiting to complete the process of formating

8. after any key press format

9. Click again when the menu is missing changer.bat, select the number that corresponds to your android tablet type clay sample images:
completion of the copy remove the SD card into the SD input your android Tablet will
automatically do the flashing yourself waiting up to 100% then he would pull the SD card automatically retstar

after retstar not in SD karu his first pair because there is still the source

for more information click here


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